Why is Amish Furniture the Right Choice for my Growing Family?

Amish furniture is a popular choice among the most haute decorators. Rustic and kitsch are ever popular styles in decorating and country style is experiencing something of a revival. But Amish furniture isn’t just for the hottest decorators, Amish furniture is an excellent choice for a family. Amish furniture is a durable and lasting choice for a family, large, small, or burgeoning.

Quality Materials and Craftsmanship

The Amish use only quality materials that have proven their worth over centuries of use. The Amish use only solid wood for their furniture and the wood is milled in such a way as to be stronger in the overall finished piece. The patterns used in the furniture are traditional patterns that have proven the test of time. The furniture is designed to be solid, crafted and finished completely by hand. The joinery is made by hand and is part of the wood, the Amish tend to use dovetail joinery to add strength to a piece.

Stands up to Wear and Tear

Amish furnitureThe Amish are known for having very large families so it would follow that their most popular Amish furniture styles would be designed to last through many children. Indeed Amish furniture is considered heirloom quality. It will last through your children and grandchildren, probably longer. The all natural materials and added strength through construction ensure that any piece you buy will stand up to the worst your children can throw at it.

Easy to Keep Up

Children are not the most graceful of creatures. They spill things, they knock things over, they make a mess in general for most of every day. Amish furniture is perfect for busy families because cleaning and upkeep are so simple. Simply wiping the wood down with a damp cloth regularly and using an all natural oil every once in awhile keeps the sheen and beauty of your piece. Spills aren’t an issue as the finish gives the wood a natural degree of water resistance, simply wiping it away should suffice. Scratches, nicks, and rings, are easily remedied with a natural oil such as walnut oil.

A Perfect Choice

The durability of Amish furniture coupled with the low technology crafting methods and natural materials used make Amish furniture a very green choice for home furnishings. So many families today are concerned with reducing their carbon footprint. Choosing to buy Amish furniture gives you not only great looking furniture but the satisfaction that you are helping the environment with your choices.

The last but not least benefit of choosing Amish furniture for your family is that you can shop for Amish made furniture from the comfort of your own home or anywhere else you can get the internet. There are many sites online that work with Amish craftsmen to connect with consumers all over the world. These sites maintain a warehouse of the most popular designs and often allow you to customize in order to get the perfect piece for your family!


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