Breakdown Vanity – Making it Simpler

There is nothing more irritating than attempting to get a bathroom vanity through the door when you’re in a tight space and for that reason, we’ve created the ultimate flat packing bathroom vanity. It’s a critical part of our Amish furniture selection and you’ll find them very useful for your next bathroom remodel.

Breakdown Amish Furniture – Essential for your DIY Remodel

Unlike other breakdown furniture on the market, ours retains the full quality and the full integrity of any of our other Amish furniture for sale in Oregon. The biggest difference in our breakdown furniture and other people’s breakdown furniture is the fact that each piece is fully assembled in Amish workshops and then broken down so that it can be put back together by you at a later date. There are simple instructions, and because it has already been fitted together, it is guaranteed to assemble easily and without a single problem.

High-Quality Craftsmanship

This is not your typical breakdown furniture by any stretch of the imagination. This Amish furniture online is made from solid wood, as you would have expected from us, and like any other piece of online Amish furniture, it is destined to last a lifetime.

Making your Remodel a Bit Easier

A breakdown vanity is something that you are going to enjoy extensively, especially if you are performing a DIY remodel with limited space. The flat packaging will make it easier to move around your home whether you’re trying to get it around corners, or you’re hoping to move it up a flight of stairs. In addition to that, it will make it much easier for you to get it through your front door, which can make all the difference in the world. As you can see, there is a lot to like with our new breakdown vanity, and it will completely change the way you look for Amish furniture online.

Something very important to keep in mind when purchasing a breakdown vanity from us is that it does not come with attached hardware. This meant that knobs and handles will need to be attached afterward using custom drilled holes. While it might seem like an extra step, it gives you the ability to choose the hardware you want for your bathroom theme.

The Most Important DIY Bathroom Decision

Choosing a bathroom vanity is a very important part of the DIY process and our breakdown model is going to make your life easier. Think carefully and choose a style that will make your bathroom look amazing. There are plenty out there to choose from!


Amish Furniture Buying Guide – What You Need to Know First

Are you thinking about swapping out the furniture in your home? If you’re thinking of going the Amish furniture route then we certainly can’t fault you for that; the wide range of Amish furniture for sale is going to give you a great looking home full of pieces that are going to last a lifetime. Before you rush out and purchase any Amish furniture online or in a physical Amish furniture store there are a few things that you need to know. Don’t worry; it’s not too complicated and soon enough you’ll not only know where to buy Amish furniture but how to choose it.

Buy the Amish Furniture you Want

Amish furnitureThe first thing you need to do is make sure that you’re actually getting the furniture you want and something you’ll probably notice, and rather quickly, is that there are several different styles. Instead of grabbing them blindly and hoping for the best, we would strongly recommend that you learn the styles, of which we are going to list two:

Mission – The most common type of Amish furniture, it’s also the most plain. If you’re not looking for anything fancy and in fact want to go for a more plain look, then Mission is the way to go.

Shaker – It’s the more ornate option with carvings and designs being part of the integral structure of the wood.

Choose Your Wood Carefully

You need to make sure that you’re choosing the proper wood for the job when you buy Amish furniture, but what does that mean exactly? There are many different types of wood and you’ll want to take the following into account:

Wood Type – Some wood types are naturally harder than others, for example, mahogany is a bit harder than oak. The type you choose should depend on how much use it’s going to get and the likelihood of it being damaged. Also, consider that different types take to stain differently which results in a different aesthetic.

Wood Stain – While the type of wood plays a huge part in the coloring, stain does as well. You need to choose carefully, and make sure it matches the rest of your décor, whatever tone you are trying to set in your home or office.

It’s Time to Furnish

Your home needs to be properly furnished and with the items from our Amish furniture store, you can most certainly get the job done. Take a look at our options today and make sure that you’re buying the best we have to offer and the best for your home.


Live Edge Furniture for Hunting Lodges

When you’re working on furnishing your hunting lodge, rustic is going to be the name of the game. You don’t want to find yourself sitting on Ikea furniture when you’re spending an evening with your friends. Not only does it look tacky, it’s really not that durable, and we both know that it’s not going to hold up. How many times are you going to drag yourself in from the forest and plop down on your favorite chair while you’re on a hunting trip? The last thing you want is for that chair to fall apart, which is why we think you should go for Amish furniture. Some of the best Amish furniture, however, is a live edge.

What is Live Edge Amish Furniture?

In a typical setting you probably wouldn’t want live edge but if you’re trying to go for the rustic look and really want your room to look alive, then we’re going to say that live edge is the way to go. In our Amish furniture store, you are going to find quite a bit of it, and it simply means that the edge of the piece is not cut and sanded. Instead, you have a piece that has been left as is, as it was found in nature. It gives you the chance to peer into the soul of the piece, as it would have appeared when it was cut, and it really is an amazing way to add character to your space. Something to keep in mind is that while live edge pieces are certainly finished, they are not always an even surface. Some may have a bit of a hump to them, but that simply adds to the charm.

Amish Furniture

Live Edge Coffee Tables

Coffee tables are always going to be front and center in your living room, and it is one of the most popular pieces of Amish furniture for sale. Our rustic looking coffee tables can make all the difference in the world and are an outstanding way for you to add some serious character to your space.

Live Edge Tables

Along with the coffee table, you can add a typical live edge table to your lodge and some of ours look absolutely amazing. We have a live edge trestle table for example that adds both class and that rustic aesthetic that you’ve been going for.

Dressers for your Bedroom

The rustic look doesn’t have to end at the living room; you can purchase a live edge dresser that will really set the mood and will really make your bedroom look amazing. Dressers encompass some of the best Amish furniture craftsmanship and are an outstanding investment in the live edge category.

Bring Character to your Lodge

Though Amish furniture prices can certainly be high, they are well worth your investment and the live edge variants will really add to the atmosphere. Check out our Amish furniture online today and start picking out your pieces.


How Color Combinations can Affect your Room

You might be ready to head out and buy Amish furniture right now, but before you do, it is important for you to know how colors can affect your room theme. We’re not just talking about the color of the Amish furniture for sale, though that does certainly play a part. Today we’re going to go over some of the color choices that can affect your bedroom, and you can go on to decide how you want to pair them with the items you buy from our Amish furniture store. The perfect room is not made up of just furniture – color plays a huge role.

Consider Blue to Accompany your Amish Furniture

Amish furniture for saleAqua and Azure are great colors to choose for your bedroom, generally because they are blue, and blue is the color associated most with calmness. It is able to help lower your heart rate and even reduce blood pressure. Studies have shown that those who sleep in blue bedrooms often wake up feeling happy, so think about that the next time you’re remodeling and looking at Amish furniture for sale.

Yellow is Also Great for Sleep

If you want to enhance your sleep but don’t want to go for blue, then a yellow bedroom is the next best thing. It encourages relaxation, and it feels quite cozy. You might even consider yellow for a reading room that you will outfit with the best Amish furniture.

Silver – The Most Energetic Color

While you might not be putting all of your best Amish furniture in here, a silver room is known to motivate exercise and other physical activities. You may want to paint your kitchen silver, especially if you’re known to lag a bit in the morning.

Relax with Orange

Orange is a color that creates a very relaxing atmosphere and can help to aid in digestion. If you’ve just eaten a large meal, then relaxing in an orange room can be a lifesaver.

There are obviously many other colors, all with their own effects, so make sure you do a bit more research as you’re remodeling your home and looking for Amish furniture online. Also bear in mind that the tone of the furniture will have an effect on the room, whether the stain is dark, light or somewhere in between. We can’t tell you everything about choosing the right colors, but we can say that it’s an important decision, so pay close attention to your room and close attention to the Amish furniture that you are buying. The right setup is around the corner, you just have to coordinate properly!


Choosing the Perfect Dining Table

As you work on redecorating your dining room you are probably wondering just what you should do about the table. There are a lot of choices and there’s a good chance that you’ve made the decision to go the Amish route. You know as well as many other people that Amish furniture lasts for a very long time and with that being the case, it’s the preferred for almost any home redesign. So, here’s the big question: how do you choose the right Amish dining room table in Washington?

Amish Furniture in Washington – How to Choose the Right Dining Room Table

Amish Dining TableThe first thing you’re going to need to do is to take a look around and consider the overall theme of your room. What does it look like? What kind of design have you committed to? If you have any sort of design going on, then you might want to consider the Shaker style furniture as it is a bit more ornate. If you find that you are more of a plain individual then Mission furniture might be better for you.

Consider the Colors

As you look through Amish furniture online you will need to take some time to examine the different colors. Keep in mind that color isn’t necessarily pain or stain. Sometimes the color of the Amish furniture for sale has quite a bit to do with the type of wood that is used. For example, oak tends to be a darker color while cedar can be a bit brighter. When you’re choosing a table, make sure you’re getting something that really matches the rest of the room!

Consider the Height of the Table

When you buy online Amish furniture, especially, you need to make sure that you’re taking the height of the table into account. This is especially true if you already have chairs! You need to make sure that the chairs not only fit underneath the table but that you and your guests can sit comfortably.

Choosing an Amish table for your kitchen is a huge undertaking but you can rest assured that when you go with Amish furniture you’re making an investment in furniture that will last for many years. Amish furniture prices are inevitably going to be a bit high but in the end, they are going to be entirely worth it. Get your dining room table from our Amish furniture store now!



Designing a New Office? Here’s what you Need to Know About Choosing Furniture

We’re coming up on 2018 very fast and there is no reason you shouldn’t want a new office for a new year. You might be planning on redesigning the entire thing, or you might be planning to completely rework your entire office or maybe you’re just planning to replace a few pieces of furniture. No matter what the plan is, you need to make sure that it all matches and that it’s in place to last for a very long time. Let’s go over some of the things that you’ll need to know about Amish furniture before you really get into it.

Amish Furniture Needs to Match the Room

When we say it needs to match the room we have several different meanings:

Color – When people go out and buy Amish furniture they often pay no mind to the color but there is actually a significant difference and you can see it clearly under the stain. The stain does play a part in whether or not the piece is dark or light, but the tone of the wood is the determining factor in what the piece looks like and how effective it will be in the existing setting.

Style – If you’ve been reading our blog posts then you already know that there is a significant difference between the Mission and Shaker styles, so choose carefully. Remember, Mission style Amish furniture for sale is usually much more plain while Shaker style is more ornate.

Pay Attention to the Size

The best Amish furniture looks great but if you don’t size it properly you’re going to find that it takes up far too much space making your office non-functional or too little space which makes space look ridiculous. It is important to find a healthy medium and to make sure that you’re measuring the space out before you commit to buying any new furniture. The right size furniture can make your space much more functional!

Choose the Right Pieces

There are many great Amish furniture pieces out there and when you’re outfitting your office you will need to choose carefully. Pick from desks, end tables, chairs, and much more, all of which are designed to help you and your office to reach their maximum potential. Check out our inventory today and start building your ideal work environment!


Use Amish Furniture to Create a Warm, Welcoming Environment

Creating a nice, warm, welcoming environment in your home is always going to be a matter of difficulty especially if you have no idea where to start. Using Amish furniture is a great first step, but what else do you need to do? Don’t worry, we’re going to outline a few steps that you need to take in order to build a home environment that you can be proud of whenever guests come to visit.

It’s All about the Color of your Amish Furniture

If you have never looked for Amish furniture online before then you might not realize that the wood grain has a color accent and the accent really needs to match. If you take a look through many of the living rooms in America you will probably come to realize that quite a few people didn’t even consider the color accents when they were shopping and ended up with a completely mismatched living room so yes, for the last time, it DOES make a difference. If you want a cozier environment you should probably go with a darker undertone, but if you want something a bit lighter, you know which direction you want to go in when you buy Amish furniture.

Pick a Style and Stick with It

buy Amish furnitureThere are multiple styles of Amish furniture available and it goes far beyond the Mission and Shaker stereotypes. In each of these types, you will also have multiple sub-types to consider and it’s important that you stick to one consistent style throughout your entire home. If you feel like being creative, you could use a different style in every room, just make sure it’s consistent so that it doesn’t look like a complete mess.

Use Accent Pieces

Even after you buy Amish furniture pieces for your home you will want to add some accent pieces, like a tray, or even a bench. The little pieces can be function and add more utility to your room, making them a welcome addition to a well-designed furniture scheme.

All About Lighting

If you want to justify the Amish furniture prices that you paid then it would be a great idea for you to start considering new lighting options. You can use track lighting or spots to ensure that the right parts of your room are properly illuminated, creating a beautiful space for yourself and for any company that happens to stop by.

You can buy Amish furniture and use it to create an absolutely wonderful living environment, all you need to do is follow the above tips and if possible, try speaking to an interior decorator for more information. The most important thing to remember is that every home is different and will require a completely original design concept. How will you decorate yours?


Occasional Tables for Every Room

Amish Occasional tablesWhen you’re trying to work Amish furniture into your home design there are a few things that you absolutely need to do, the first being to make sure that you’re doing an overhaul of every single room. The problem that many people tend to run into, is that they finish their living room and then they ‘save the rest of the house for later’. It might be a decent plan on some level but what if you never get around to it?

In addition to that, you need to finish off your decorating efforts by adding accents to every single room. We don’t just mean tables and chairs – today we’re talking about occasional tables which come in many different styles and are the perfect way to punctuate your design job.

Occasional Tables – The Perfect Amish Furniture for the Living Room

The Amish living room is one of the most popular spots in the home for occasional tables and you should keep that in mind when you want to buy Amish furniture online. These are accent pieces that could come in the form of:

  • Coffee Tables
  • End Tables
  • Console Tables
  • And more

In a living room, these tables are indispensable pieces of Amish furniture as they can hold drinks, lamps, reading material, television remotes, and much more. Most often you will see a living room accent table placed between love seats or at the ends of the couch. The possibilities are endless and it won’t be long before you have a perfect living room setup.

Set Up the Bedroom

Amish Furniture for the Living RoomPart of searching through Amish furniture stores is finding good pieces for your bedroom. By using occasional tables in your bedroom you can bring out the best in both looks and functionality. For example, did you know that end tables make outstanding night stands? When you’re shopping for one you should always make sure that it is a bit taller than your mattress so that it is functional and visible from the bed. For example, if you have a clock on your nightstand, you will want to be able to see it.

In the Office

Both home and executive offices are going to need occasional tables but you don’t need us to tell you that. In an office, you could add a console table to your desk which expands your storage space, or you could go so far as to add an accent table to your waiting area to make it more functional. Either way, you’re making a huge difference in your office and will show your clients or customers that you’re really on top of things. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, a doctor, or a real estate agent, your office can truly benefit from this Amish furniture.

Occasional tables are a great way to expand the functionality of your home or office and to top it all off, they look great. Browse our inventory and buy Amish furniture to meet your needs today.



Four Pieces of Amish Furniture Your Home Needs

Are you getting ready to move into your first home? There are so many things to consider and the interior is just one of those things and it would help to have a plan before you start the process and make sure that you’re able to execute it quickly. To support that very line of thought we are going to list four pieces of Amish furniture that your home absolutely needs. Remember, when you buy from an Amish furniture store in Oregon, you are getting much more than a table or chair – you are getting a piece that will last a lifetime and beyond. Let’s take a look at those five essential pieces right now!

Dining Room Tables – A Piece of Amish Furniture you Can’t Live Without

Amish FurnitureThe first and most obvious piece you might look into when you buy Amish furniture is the table. It sits proudly at the center of your dining room and it’s used for so many different purposes! It could be an activity table for your children, it could be where you do work or hold meetings. Most importantly, it’s where you dine and when it comes right down to it you want this piece of Amish furniture to look amazing. When you are shopping for a new table you have a few basic options which include:

  • Leg Table – The most common option, often used for formal dining situations.
  • Pedestal Table – A slightly less formal piece but still beautiful, employing a single ornate support rather than four to six legs.
  • Trestle Table – If you’re going for casual, this is the route you want to take. Trestle tables are often seen outdoors, on patios, or in sunrooms.

Choose your table wisely, or, if you want, choose different styles for different rooms.

Kitchen Islands – Another Centerpiece

The kitchen island will quickly become the centerpiece of the room and while it can often serve the same purpose as a dining room table. Kitchen islands will give you additional counter space for food preparation and most come with storage options so that you can keep your pots, pans, and other cooking supplies beneath them. No kitchen is complete without an island and it’s best to get one at an Amish furniture store!

Get a China Cabinet

As you seek to buy Amish furniture you should most definitely consider getting a china cabinet. These cabinets can hold your more valued dishes, wine glasses, and more, all while putting them on display for you and your company to enjoy.

Don’t Forget the Beds

Finally, we have the beds, which are essential in any home. You will need beds for both the master bedroom and any other bedrooms in the home, particularly for children. Solid wood Amish furniture beds are a great addition to any home as you can imagine and many of the children’s beds can break down from a crib to a bed, and grow with the child.

Amish furniture can change your entire household and is a great investment for you. View our stock today and start furnishing!


Painting Ideas for Wood Furniture

When you invest in Amish furniture you know that you want it to last, but you also know that can be a tall order if you don’t take care of it. Because you have furniture that is going to last for generations you’re going to come to a point where it needs to be repainted and refinished. That said, we’re going to go over a few of the steps that you need to take before you paint. It will be a bit of extra work but the results will be worth it, especially if you have already gone out of your way to buy Amish furniture.

Wood Furniture Painting Ideas

Start by Sanding your Amish Furniture

You will want to start by sanding the furniture piece despite what tutorials online might say. If you choose not to sand then you might find yourself trying to find where to buy Amish furniture online very soon. Sanding is a must, so make sure you go over it with 150-grit sandpaper. Just remember that you’re not trying to gouge the surface; you want the furniture piece to be a bit rough so that the primer has something to hold onto when you get to that part.

Check for Residue

No matter how careful you are there is a strong chance that you’re going to get a residue buildup on your furniture and you need to make sure you’re rid of it before you sand or paint. Use a tack cloth to wipe down the chair! Make sure you’re not using a paper towel as these are too abrasive and could cause damage to the chair.

Start Painting

Wood FurnitureYou’re finally to the part that you’ve been waiting for – the painting! To pain your chair you will want to use a foam roller (as opposed to a brush) an apply three thin coats of semi-gloss latex paint. You will want to wait for six to eight hours between coats, so this isn’t going to be the fastest process. In addition to that you may notice some dripping or residue from the piece between coats and if this happens then you should proceed to sand again. Not only will this get rid of the residue, it will continue to give the paint something to grip onto between each coat.

Add a Layer of Protection

Once you have finished painting you will need to move on to the protection phase. You will want to use a foam roller to place a thin Polycrylic coat across the surface of the paint and make sure that you are doing so lightly to smooth out any bubbles that might form under the roller. You will also want to wait at least 72 hours for it to dry.

Painting your Amish furniture requires quite a few steps but doing so will help to ensure that it lasts for many years to come. Follow our instructions and get started!