Relax on Brand New Amish Furniture this Summer

If you’ve gotten tired of the same old look in your home, rest easy knowing that you’re not exactly alone. There are many homeowners who want to try something different as the summer months come along, and in our opinion, one of the best things you can do this summer changes it up with Amish furniture in Oregon. It’s a high-quality investment that you aren’t going to regret any time soon.

Start with a Couch – A Common Sitting Area is the Perfect Amish Furniture

If you’re planning to invite guests over this summer then make no mistake: you’re going to need a couch, and when you buy Amish furniture, you are getting products that can potentially last a lifetime – it’s not something that you want to miss out on.

Along with the couch, you will need other common sitting areas, for example, it would be a good idea for you to invest in a set of chairs or even a few benches, all of which can be found among Amish furniture for sale online.

A Higher Quality Furniture Choice

Amish FurnitureAmish furniture prices are high for a reason. These are not the typical items that you would purchase at a big box store; if you buy a couch at an Amish furniture store you can expect it to last for a lifetime as it is made from hardwood rather than the particle board that you would find at most big box stores. The same will go for every other Amish furniture piece, so make sure you know whether you want to go with a hardwood or a softwood.

Hardwood vs. Softwood

As you prepare to outfit your home with Amish furniture for sale this summer it will be important for you to consider hardwood vs. softwood. Take software as a prime example of outstanding furniture material – it can be easily shaped and is perfect for designs that are a bit more ornate. Shaker furniture, for example, will use a lot of softwood while Mission furniture is able to stick with the hardwoods. In the end, your choice depends on how ornate you want the furniture to be, how much you want to pay, and most importantly, how much of a beating the furniture in question is going to take.

Summer is coming and it’s time for you to make the best furniture choice. Check our store and browse our wide selection of beautiful Amish furniture choices.


Standard Tables vs. Bar Height Tables

Choosing a new table for your kitchen always presents some challenges. If you are replacing an older table then you have some questions that you want to ask yourself, obviously. What are you looking for in a new table? Do you want something similar to the old table? What can a new table do for you that your old table can’t? Sometimes it is a simple matter of updating and other times it means adding something that you would find to be more functional. You clearly want to choose Amish furniture but the question we will be posing today is whether you should go with bar height tables or standard tables.

Standard Tables – A Staple of Amish Furniture

Amish Furniture TablesYou’ve already used the standard tables. When you buy Amish furniture they are quite frankly the first thing that you think of, and with good reason. Regular tables can come in many different shapes and sizes, whether you are purchasing a standard round one, a more angular square model, or even an oval. The possibilities are limitless especially when you factor in all of the different form factors and designs. A pedestal table, for example, is a sign of high class and sits proudly in many formal dining rooms.

Another benefit of using these tables as your Amish furniture of choice is having more chair options. When you look for Amish furniture online you will quickly notice that there are a plethora of chairs available which can be paired with your table, and you have quite the selection when it comes to style.

The Bar Height Table – A More Fun Solution

The bar height table is a slightly more fun and creative solution that many uses to create an informal setting in their dining room. This is often a solution used in conjunction with a standard dining room table, perhaps off in the corner or even in the kitchen. These higher tables make a great coffee corner or a reading area if you wish. The only drawback is that you do need higher chairs which leads to two major complications. The first would be that you may not have as many options when you look at Amish furniture for sale. These higher chairs are often not as ornate and there are often not as many varieties – just something to think about.

The second potential issue that you will run into is the height. If you think that you will have trouble climbing onto the chair, or if you will have issues with your feet not touching the ground, then you might want to consider the alternative.

Both tables have their purposes, but in the end, it will be up to you to decide whether you want to go the formal route or something a bit more modern.


Is it Time to Buy New Furniture? How to Tell

If you own a home then one of the big questions on your mind might be whether or not it is time to purchase new furniture for it, and we know that it can be a pretty tough call. In today’s post, we’re going to go over a few things that could play a factor, and it should help you to make an informed decision. You should be out purchasing new Amish furniture before you know it!

Is it Time to Buy New Amish Furniture? A Quick Guide

Before you go to an Amish furniture store looking for an entire house full of items, ask yourself the following questions:

Amish FurnitureIs there Anything Wrong with my Current Furniture?

Take a look at your existing furniture. Do you not like it? Is it broken or cracked? Has it been exposed to too much sunlight? Any of these factors can easily lead to a need to replace all of your furniture and while it might be a bit expensive, it is most definitely worth it.

Are you Looking for a Visual Upgrade?

If you want furniture that looks better, then you should certainly visit an Amish furniture store. Solid wood furniture looks far better than most of the alternatives out there, so keep that in mind when you are working toward your decision.

Are you Planning a Renovation?

For some people, it is perfectly fine to use their original furniture in a new renovation but for others, it is more or less unacceptable. You want a new look, you want a new feel, and furniture is the most visible part of your home. It doesn’t matter if you are working in a bedroom, your living room, or even your kitchen; new furniture can give you a fresh look that will completely change your space.

Get the Best Furniture

After you have finished asking these questions you will likely come to the conclusion that you will not only need furniture that looks good but furniture that can last for a very long time. Amish furniture for sale can go a long way toward giving you the aesthetic you want in your home, and it is built by expert craftsmen who have mastered techniques passed down through the generations.

In the end, you couldn’t do much better when you’re on the search for solid wood furniture. Look at our Amish furniture online and start building your new space.


Complete your Living Room with Occasional Tables

So you have your living room mostly put together but there is a good chance that you feel you are missing something. You have your couch, you have your entertainment center, so what else could you possibly need? If you think that your living room is devoid of tables, you are probably right, and occasional tables are the way to go when you are shopping at any Amish furniture store.

Why Look for Occasional Tables at an Amish Furniture Store?

Amish Furniture Occasional TablesAn occasional table is a piece of Amish furniture that is not necessarily made for a singular purpose and there are a few different types. Today, in this blog, we are going to cover two of them.

Coffee Tables – The Occasional Table Everyone Knows About

What’s not to love about a coffee table? Everyone has them and everyone loves them. You can use them for a variety of different purposes, for example, when you shop Amish furniture online you will find those with storage and those without. So, in other words, they can have an extended purpose, or they can simply be a pretty piece of Amish furniture to look at. The choice is yours.

End Tables – The More Versatile Option

No matter how you look at it, end tables are always going to be far more versatile than coffee tables. A coffee table is designed to sit in the center of the room, but end tables can be placed beside couches and chairs. You can take it a step further however by using these tables to decorate portions of the wall. You could place a lamp or a flower vase, or a few books to make the look of your living room complete. As you can see, there are a lot of great reasons to use end tables and they are a great addition to your already established coffee table.

More Storage Means More Functionality

You want your living room to be far more than just a pretty space to look at. You want it to be completely functional and any Amish furniture for sale that you look at needs to fulfill a specific purpose. Don’t worry; you will find exactly what you need in our store whether it is something with a few extra drawers or something with a larger surface area.

As always we strongly recommend that you take the time to ensure that you are getting furniture pieces that are properly measured and that will fit in your space. The right pieces are out there and your perfect living room may be just a few clicks away.


Three Tips for Using Amish Furniture to Furnish a Waiting Room

The waiting room in your office is a very important location; it may even be more important than your back offices. Every business has clients to please and let’s face it, the waiting room is going to be the first thing that your clients see as they enter your business. What do you want them to see, exactly? You want them to be comfortable in every way possible and that means finding the best Amish furniture to fit your needs.

Tip 1: Use the Best Amish Furniture to Create a Great Aesthetic

Amish furniture You want your waiting room to be easy on the eyes but you also want to make sure that it looks professional. If you need your area to look a little more modest then we would strongly recommend that you start with the Mission style of Amish furniture as it is not nearly as ornate as Shaker. This, of course, all depends on the type of atmosphere that you want to build. You can look through Amish furniture online and figure out what would work best for your setting.

Tip 2: Make the Waiting Room Comfortable

Making your waiting room more comfortable for your guests is always going to be a challenge; where do you even start? What’s the best way for you to go about it? In our opinion, it all starts with choosing comfortable chairs. To this end, you may want to look at some of our online Amish furniture that uses upholstery rather than the bare wood options. Don’t worry, you can still make a professional looking waiting room with upholstered chairs – just look for the leather variants.

Tip 3: Accessorize your Waiting Room

Furniture is great, but adding accessories is even more important than you realize. A few end tables here and there to hold magazines and lamps is a great start, but if you want to take it a step further, try adding a coffee table. Your customers and clients will thank you, trust us. Finally, a great touch would be to add a children’s play area and this often starts with a shorter table that they can use for coloring or for play. Sometimes, a shorter occasional table will work for this purpose, so make sure you take a quick look at our stock.

Learning where to buy Amish furniture will save you a lot of trouble in the future and it will give you plenty of great ideas as you continue to develop your waiting room. Finally, understand that Amish furniture isn’t just a cheap investment – it can last for years, decades, or even generations. This is one investment that will serve you well for many years to come.


How to Coordinate your Office Furniture

Setting up a new office is always going to be a challenge, but you don’t need us to tell you that, do you? You’ve probably spent quite a bit of time considering your layout, and when it comes right down to it, you might just need a little bit of help to get it all done correctly. So, what should you do? How should you get your office set up? Today we’re going to talk about the importance of proper coordination and the use of Amish furniture in creating the perfect office layout.

Use Amish Furniture to Create a Common Theme

The first piece of advice that we want to give you is to create a common theme throughout your office. If you are using items from our Amish furniture store then we would strongly recommend going with a more conservative design as you need to appeal to anyone that walks through your doors. In the past, we have found that most offices benefit significantly from the Mission style, which is very plain but still very effective. For less formal settings you could consider the more ornate Shaker style, but ultimately it will be up to you.

Color is Everything in Design

Amish furniture onlineAs you look at our Amish furniture online you will probably notice that it comes in different colors, for example, the Alamo desk versus the Artesa desk, with the Alamo being quite a bit lighter. The items you find among Amish furniture for sale online are not painted, but stained, meaning the tint of the stain and the color of the wood beneath shine through. These two combined will create either a darker or lighter design but in the end, it has a lot to do with the type of wood that is being used. When you are choosing a color or theme, you should make sure to contrast the types of woods that you choose so that there is some variance in your environment.

Get the Right Size

Whether you are buying online Amish furniture or some other style, you still need to make sure that you are getting the right size. Amish furniture comes in different styles, different sizes, and different colors, but you don’t need us to tell you that. Before you purchase any furniture, take measurements of your office and make sure that everything fits properly. The last thing you want to do is purchase a chair or a desk that is far too large for your space and makes it painful to navigate.

All in all, Amish furniture is a great choice for your office. It will give you the authentic wood feel that you are looking for, and it will even be comfortable. Shop our store today and get exactly what you need.


The Difference Between Laminate, Veneer, and Solid Wood

When buying Amish furniture, choosing the right type of wood is a definite challenge, so what should you be doing? It is crucial that you know the difference between the types of wood that you will encounter at an Amish furniture store, but you should also know exactly what you shouldn’t be found. With that in mind, today we are going to take a look at the difference between laminates, veneers, and solid wood.

Veneer – One Thing you Should Never Find at an Amish Furniture Store

Amish Furniture StoreVeneer is not a solid wood – it is a thin layer of hardwood that normally measures 1/8 of an inch thick. In most cases, it is bonded or glued to a cheaper surface, or, in many cases, a particle board. In other words, it looks good, but once you get beneath the surface, it’s a far cheaper piece of furniture. This practice allows furniture to be built at a lower cost an will still retain the beauty of the solid wood furniture.

Objectively, particle board lasts longer in humidity, which often means that it is a better choice for bathroom vanities, but if you are here, then you are looking for the real deal. It is also important to remember that unlike Amish furniture for sale, veneers cannot be sanded as you will break through the top layer and end up at the particle board.

Laminate – A Synthetic Nightmare

We introduce you to another piece that you will not be found among online Amish furniture as you shop. Laminate is made from thinly sliced pieces of wood, or synthetic materials, and it is designed to completely imitate wood grain. It has a shiny finish and is often used in low-end furniture pieces that need more durable surfaces. How durable it really is, and how long it is going to last, will depend on how often it is used.

Solid Wood – The Gold Standard in Furniture

Authentic Amish furniture will always be made from solid wood, there are no exceptions. Unlike those we mentioned above, it can be more expensive but also more durable. In addition to that, it can be easily worked on, ensuring that it can stand the test of time and be a part of your home for many years rather than being replaced at the first sign of damage.

We will always recommend solid wood over any other type of wood on the market, and now you can see why. Make sure that you find the right piece of furniture for your home and most importantly, make sure that it is constructed from the right materials.


Amish Furniture Woods – Oak vs Pine

Choosing the best type of wood for your new furniture collection is tough, and today we are going to spend some time talking about the difference between oak and pine. Both of these are a great option for Amish furniture but what are the differences and which one should you really choose if any?

A Word about Pine and Oak in Amish Furniture

Amish Furniture WoodsThe first thing that you need to know, is that these are two very different types of woods. One is a softwood, the other a hardwood. They do however share some similarities:

Durability – Both types of woods are very durable. You probably already know that oak has the upper hand when it comes to strength, but pine isn’t too bad either.

Resistant to Moisture Damage – While excessive moisture exposure can damage any type of wood, these two are particularly resistant to it. Naturally, you will want to avoid placing them in situations where they might become wet, but at the end of the day, you don’t have too much to worry about.

Aesthetics – Oak, and pine are both very beautiful kinds of wood. They look different but they both have their own beautiful style that will add its own impressive touch to your room.

Which One Should You Invest In?

As we said, they both have their merits but when you’re looking at Amish furniture for sale you want to make sure that you have the best. After all, you’re investing a lot of money into this. If you still aren’t able to figure out, then consider the following:

Budget – How much money do you have to spend? If you’re on a shoestring budget then pine is probably a better idea. If you have more wiggle room, however, the beauty of oak is hard to deny.

Amish furniture for saleFurniture Life – Oak will last much longer than pine, so how long do you expect to keep the furniture? If you aren’t planning to keep it for a lifetime then pine is probably a good choice but if you want something that you can pass down to your children, you know which way to go.

Furniture Use – How often will you be using your furniture? For what purpose? Oak withstands wear and tear a little better, so it is a better material for Amish furniture that will be used heavily.

Maintenance Considerations – A huge consideration when choosing the wood type at the Amish furniture store is the amount of maintenance you want to put into it. Oak will always be lower maintenance than pine as it is more resistant to wear and tear. Pine is softer, so it will become damaged more easily.

In the end, it will be up to you, but as you browse through Amish furniture online you might consider choosing both, as pine is good for low-traffic rooms, and oak is better for main rooms. Check over our pros and cons and make your decision!


Little Known Facts About Amish Furniture Building Technique

You already know that Amish furniture is a great investment and you are probably looking through several Amish furniture stores for the right type of furniture, but what don’t you know about it? Today we’re going to go over a few little-known facts that will most definitely increase your appreciation of any Amish furniture online that you browse or even choose to buy. Let’s go ahead and take a look at these fun facts that will really bring your furniture to life.

Amish Furniture is Made from 100% Wood

Even with the more expensive furniture retailers, you will often find furniture that is NOT made from 100% wood and this tends to be disappointing to say the least. Many of the more modern furniture designers will use high-end MDF board to simulate real wood, but if it’s not the real deal, then you don’t want it in your house. The Amish are accustomed to using oak, maple, cedar, and even mahogany to create some of the most beautiful pieces of furniture on the market.

All Amish Furniture for Sale is Handcrafted

Amish FurnitureAmish furniture for sale is handcrafted; there are no exceptions to the rule. Each piece of material used is chosen specifically, and your furniture will not come off of an assembly line. You can rest assured that your new chair, table, or coffee table was a labor of love.

Built Without Electricity

Have you ever wondered why Amish furniture is so expensive? Each and every piece is handcrafted without the aid of electricity which easily sets it apart from nearly every other type of furniture on the market today.

It’s an Old Tradition

Amish furniture uses old techniques because it IS old. The building methods that are being sued to create your house full of furniture are passed down from generation to generation, and the techniques don’t change much over time. You’re buying something that is tried and true, and it is something that could sit in your living room for the rest of your life.

These are just a few great facts about Amish furniture and as you research it for yourself you are bound to come up with many more. Keep reading our blog to learn more about Amish furniture, and don’t forget to check out the offerings over in our Amish furniture store. You’re bound to find something you like before you know it!


How to Blend Wood Types in your Home Furnishing

We’ve always been big advocates of matching wood Amish furniture sets in your home, but there are times when you simply can’t, or just don’t want to. It’s an unspoken decorating rule that can be completely subverted if you really wish, and we’re going to spend a bit of time explaining how you can mix and match the different types of wood without consequence. It’s more eclectic and when done right, it can really bring a new level of personality to your interior design.

Amish Furniture

Start by Contrasting your Amish Furniture and Flooring

We can’t say this enough: when you find Amish furniture for sale online, don’t purchase anything that takes on the same shade as your flooring. If you have a wood toned floor it is easy to lose your furniture in it, so choose something that is either lighter or darker.

Get a Good Anchor Piece

Searching for Amish furniture online is difficult, but you will want to start with an anchor piece. For example, you might want to pick a coffee table or even a buffet, and then add two contrasting pieces around it. This will make the room look a bit more ‘busy’ and a lot less boring.

Keep it all in Harmony

If you aren’t careful your room will be a bit heavier on one side, so make sure that you’re trying to keep it all in harmony. You can do this by balancing different finishes throughout your space and using the darkly stained pieces as grounding.

What’s your Dominant Wood Tone?

While we do recommend mixing wood tones when you buy the best Amish furniture, we don’t necessarily mean that you have to go ‘crazy’ with it. You should choose a dominant wood tone that will represent the majority of your room and see just where it takes you. Think of the tone as your anchor, similar to the anchor piece that we mentioned earlier.

Go for Continuity

You are going to need some continuity in your space and you can’t argue that. If you think the mismatched wood grains have reached critical mass, then you should tie it all together with an accent color. Various accessories like throw pillows and lampshades can do a great job of bringing everything together, so don’t dismiss them!

Our Amish furniture store has everything that you could possibly need to really bring out the best in your living room without necessarily going with similar tones for every single piece. For more information, now would be a great time to look through our website and see just what we have to offer you. Amish furniture prices can be very high, but they are well worth it.